Congratulations, girls!
On August 14 and 15, eight of our OBV girls interviewed with STREETS International, a high-acclaimed and prestigious culinary and hospitality training program in Hoi An, Vietnam. STREETS International is internationally credentialed by the award winning Institute of Culinary Education in New York. With successful completion, graduates from STREETS International can gain employment opportunities at 5 star restaurants and hotels across the globe!
We are so happy to announce that H., S., T., and Tr. were accepted to join STREETS International and they will start their 18 month journey on September 4, 2018! They will join their OBV sister, Q., who was the first to be accepted into the program last year! N., D., M.T., and C. are not discouraged. They are determined to gain life and work experience over the next 6 months and reapply!
We are beyond proud of these girls, some of whom have been with us for over 6 years, for this spectacular achievement. Personally, I have seen them blossom into bright, smart, responsible, and independent young women since I first met them in 2013. In Canada, we are given every opportunity to achieve our hopes and dreams. Together with organizations like STREETS International, nothing gives me more joy than to support girls like H., S., T., Tr. to reach for the stars too!
Each child that we help is another child who will break the cycle of poverty and sexual exploitation. On behalf of One Body Village Canada and our global team, thank you so much to our friends across the world who support and fight along side us!
To learn more about STREETS International, visit:
